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The Full Story

The Story Book

We are all storytellers. We live in a network of stories. There isn't a stronger connection between people than storytelling

Jimmy Neil Smith - Author

We all have a treasury of stories to share of our days in aerospace. This is the begining of that collection as a legacy for those to come and continue our journey to the stars.

Life at Spaceship factory.jpg
Life at Spaceship factory.jpg

Spaceship Factory

The late 50’s and early 60’s in southern California was like a “Cosmic Camelot”.
The air was filled with “can do” and a future of “Rocket Fever”. We had captured the German rocket technology and would make it better, we had the promise of
Hollywood Sci Fi for a better tomorrow and JFK promised this nation the Moon. We had the promise of a future and the commitment of a nation to go where no
man had gone before.

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